If you are curious about the term "The Science of Reading" and wondering if this is simply yet another fad, there is a "Defining Movement" coalition that has formed to support you. This coalition has gathered to outline a common definition of what The Science of Reading is, and what is is not.
As outlined in their Defining Guide, 'evidence-aligned' reading instruction stems from many fields of research:
cognitive psychology,
communication sciences,
developmental psychology,
implementation science,
school psychology
CLICK HERE to find out exactly what is meant by The Science of Reading, what it is not, and to view a terrific chart that clearly outlines what reading research must include to be considered "scientifically-based".
For a synopsis of why we should at least BEGIN with 'structured phonics', view this 10-minute Ted Talk by Melissa Hostetter:
TEDx Talks. March 31, 2021. Can we Afford to Ignore the Science of Reading? Melissa Hostetter. TEDxUofISpringfield. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WJcgxyuATU
The Reading League (2021). The Science of Reading: A Defining Movement Coalition. Retrieved from https://www.whatisthescienceofreading.org/science-of-reading-guide